Build Your Career in Software Testing By Building Your Credibility

Get the Software Testing Certifications & Micro-Credentials Employers Want

  • Which software testing credentials are respected?
  • How can you get your resume/CV is noticed by HR and AI screeners?
  • How can you build an advantage for software testing jobs?
  • How can you prove you are the best candidate for a QA promotion?
Testing Cred

Get Software Testing Jobs and Promotions

We did the research and identified the best software testing certifications and micro-credentials that will build your career in software quality.

Software Testing Certifications

Employers throughout the world are asking for these QA certifications. Which software testing certifications should you get?

Software Testing Micro-Credentials

Employers agree that having micro-credentials on your resume/CV make it more appealing. How do you get testing micro-credentials?

Software Testing Courses

Software testing training makes it easier to prepare for a credential or certification. Which software training courses are best for you?

How to Get ISTQB Software Testing Certification

ISTQB get so much attention for testing jobs. How do you get it? How do you pass the ISTQB certification exam?

How to Get AT*SQA Software Testing Micro-Credentials

AT*SQA micro-credentials stand alone or stack to a full certification. How do I get I get the top micro-credentials plus a certification?

Software Testing Jobs

How can I get a job in software testing? What do employers want? How can I get my resume/CV noticed so I get an interview?

Software Testing Jobs & Careers

Looking for a job in software QA as a sofware tester/QA analyst,
or a promotion to test lead or test manager? We have helpful tips.

How to Get a Job in Software Testing

  • What you need to know
  • How to let everyone know you’re available to hire
  • What employers are posting in their jobs
Testing Cred
Testing Cred

Software Testing Job and Career Tips

  • What do managers want to see in you
  • How do you build your case for promotion
  • The benefits of staying in your company vs. leaving

Anyone can claim to know software testing. Your certifications and micro-credentials prove it.”

Questions About Software Testing Certifications?

Give us your suggestions or questions and we might add them to our frequently asked questions lists!