Top 10 Tips to Pass the ISTQB Foundation Level Exam

Below are our top 10 recommendations for tips that will help you prepare and pass your ISTQB exam. We also provide other resources below in case you want even more tips on how to pass ISTQB.

1. Review the Syllabus Thoroughly

The ISTQB exams are based on the topics covered in the syllabus for each exam. Familiarize yourself with the ISTQB Foundation Level syllabus, as it outlines all the important topics and concepts you need to know.

2. Use Official Study Materials

Utilize the official ISTQB syllabus, sample questions, and other resources provided by AT*SQA. These materials are specifically designed to help you prepare for the ISTQB Foundation Level exam and ensure you are studying the right content. Also, see the number of questions and points for ISTQB exams based on their syllabus chapters.

3. Take Practice Exams

Regularly take the specially-created ISTQB practice exams from ASTQB. These practice exams will help you get comfortable with the format and question types of the actual exam, and identify areas where you need further study.

4. Focus on Weak Areas

Concentrate on the topics you find most challenging, and the questions you got wrong on the ISTQB sample exams. Establishing a strong understanding of these areas will help you be well-prepared for the exam and ensure you can answer all types of questions confidently.

5. Create a Study Schedule

Develop a study schedule that allows you to cover all topics methodically. Allocate more time to areas where you feel less confident and stick to a consistent study routine without large gaps between study sessions.

6. Join Study Groups

Engage with other candidates through study groups or online forums. Studying with others can provide additional insights, and motivation, and help you stay on track with your study schedule.

7. Understand the Exam Structure

Know the format of the exam: 40 questions, each worth one point, with a passing score of 26 points. Understanding this will help you manage your time effectively during the exam. See how many points there are on the ISTQB Foundation Level exam based on each chapter of its syllabus – this will let you focus on the chapters that are worth more points.

8. Use Credible Online Resources

Be careful to use credible versions of ISTQB sample exams, such as those found on the ASTQB and AT*SQA websites (tip: both provide sample exams created specially by ASTQB for AT*SQA’s ISTQB Foundation Level exam – look for the ASTQB logo next to them). Avoid using unreliable sources as they may contain incorrect answers.

9. Download Exam Software in Advance

If you are taking the ISTQB exam online at home, download the exam software through AT*SQA and Kryterion a few days before the exam. This ensures that you have enough time to resolve any technical issues and become familiar with the software.

10. Register Early and Schedule Your Exam

Register for your ISTQB exam early. Scheduling your exam in advance gives you a goal date to keep your studying on track and provides more options for choosing the time and date that best fits your schedule. We highly recommend purchasing your ISTQB exam voucher through AT*SQA because they give you 365 days to take your exam, which gives you extra flexibility in case your schedule changes.

Additional Tips to Pass ISTQB Foundation Level

Below are additional, detailed tips that will help you prepare for and pass the ISTQB Foundation Level:

Best wishes for your ISTQB exam! We hope you pass on the first try!