Author: stevensadmin

  • Software Testing Courses

    Software testing training courses play a helpful role in preparing both new and experienced software testers with the necessary skills and knowledge to advance in their careers. Whether the goal is to prepare for a recognized credential or certification, or simply to gain a deeper understanding of software testing methodologies, these courses offer important resources.…

  • Software Testing Micro-Credentials

    Standing out to employers is crucial for career advancement in software quality. Software testing micro-credentials are very helpful for professionals looking to separate themselves from their competitors. These credentials serve as proof of a candidate’s commitment to continuous learning and mastery of specific knowledge in software QA areas. Here’s how micro-credentials are making resumes more…

  • Software Testing Certifications

    Quality assurance and testing is the only way to deliver bug-free software products. ISTQB certifications are globally recognized for proving an individual’s expertise in software testing. As the demand for skilled software testers increases, employers are increasingly asking for ISTQB certification in their job postings. Notably, AT*SQA also offers software testing certifications. They offer a…